More scenes from Oluvango
So here are some more photos- I've been self-conscious about taking pictures while I'm working, so no photos of my students yet, but I'm sure I'll have some sooner or later.
My outhouse- which really isn't so bad, though there is a huge resident population of mosquitos, which don't really bite me, but are still very annoying. At one point I also had a lizard and some spiders living there.
Sinead with a new friend ( a massive millipede- we ate it for dinner :))
The road to my school, which has since been fixed. My principal says they didn't do a good job though, and so it will probably look like this again after the next big rain. The chico handles big puddles nicely though (It really is a Pepe JR. for those of you who know what that means.)
Namibian sunset near my house (its really nice every night, except this is the time Sinead leaves every day, so its also kind of sad)
The sign at the gate to my school (note the AIDS ABC's sign- its a ubiquitous message here). Most days goats or cows get in to the school grounds to eat the grass, and then the principal drives them out at the end of the day in his pickup. Goats also hang out around my flat when it is raining and leave me lots of little presents- I really love them.
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