Monday, July 03, 2006

Epupa Falls

The Zebra Mountains (notice the stripes)

Epupa Falls

A Himba woman and her baby (it cost N$13,00 to take this photo, which is actually relatively cheap)
Sinead in the morning sun
Swimming in the pools next to the falls.

We have just returned from a quick trip to Epupa Falls, which all the guidebooks say you need 4wd for, but we did it in our little VW Chico (with only one flat tire). It was a lot of driving but a great trip overall- the falls were spectacular, and the campsite was right next to them (i.e. I could have reached out of the tent and put my hand in the water). At the campsite, which was very crowded, we met lots of nice South Africans, some of whom fixed our flat tire and some of whom invited us to braai (barbecue) with them. It turns out that Afrikaners are incredibly generous people. We also saw a lot of Kaokoland, as the northwest corner of Namibia is called- it is a fairly undeveloped region, even by Namibian standards, but it is also strikingly beautiful. The people there are the Himba, who still wear very traditional clothes (and not much of them) and live a semi-nomadic lifestyle. They often charge tourists (including us) money to take photos of them. Sinead also bought a traditional Himba marriage necklace.

Overall it was a great trip, and we are starting to feel like we have really seen a lot of Namibia.


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