Which means sorry in Oshiwambo. Sorry for not posting in the past two months. Things have been even busier than usual lately, especially with grad school applications being due soon (though I am almost done now- woo hoo!). Also my school had no electricity for the past four months (but its back on now- woo hoo again!) so I've had limited internet access.
Now I am in my last week and things are winding down. Teaching is over and all thats left is a few exams, packing up my house, and saying goodbye. I'm very sad, and getting sadder by the minute, but I'm also excited for what is coming up- a road trip through South Africa, seeing all my loved ones at home, snowboarding in Colorado, a trip to SoCal, finding som work in Atlanta, and finally grad school.
Meanwhile I"ll work on putting some photos of the last few months up, and I'm sure I'll write posts on our trip through South Africa. Thanks everyone for reading the blog and who knows, maybe I'll keep it going in the states